Publication in the magazine ARCHITEKTUR

The project of centre of associations in the city of Rennes featured in the architecture magazine ARCHITKTUR december 2024.

Publication dans la revue ARCHISCOPIE

We are glad to announce the publication of our project in the magazine ARCHISCOPIE, where Atoll is featured in the article 'Places of Commerce.'

Winner project

We are pleased to announce that our team is the winner of the competition for the realization of lots C2.2A and P2.1B of the Paris-Saclay Urban Campus ZAC in the Polytechnic School neighborhood, in Palaiseau (91)

Publication in the magazine AMC

The project of centre of associations in the city of Rennes featured in the architecture magazine AMC N°328.

Antonio Virga - Publication sur le site

Publication sur le site

Notre projet, lauréat des lots C2.2A et P2.1B du Campus urbain Paris-Saclay ZAC du quartier de l’École polytechnique à Palaiseau (91), est publié sur le site "Cadre de Ville".

Publication in special edition of magazine Archistorm - Le meilleur de l'architecture: les 100 projets de 2023/2024 en France

The project of community center le polyblosne in the city of Rennes is selected among 100 projects of 2023/2024 in France, in the special edition of the magazine Archistorm.

Winner project

Studio won the competition of construction projet for a building promoting the proper use of waste packaging and organic waste separation in the city of vaux-le-penil. The project remains dropped.

Publication in the magazine Architecture d'Aujourd'hui

The project of centre of associations in the city of Rennes featured in the architecture magazine Architecture d'Aujourd'hui N°459.

Antonio Virga - Centre of associations Le Blosne in the city of Rennes features in several websites

Publication in magazine Archistorm

The project of centre of associations in the city of Rennes featured on the cover of the architecture magazine Archistorm N°125.

Antonio Virga - Publication in the magazine Le Moniteur

Publication in the magazine Le Moniteur

The project of centre of associations in the city of Rennes featured on the cover of the architecture magazine Le Moniteur of feburary 2024.

Publication in the magazine Le Moniteur

The project of centre of associations in the city of Rennes featured in the architecture magazine Le Moniteur of january 2024.

Center of associations à Rennes: delivered

Centre of associations in the city of Rennes is delivered.

Publication in the magazine Detail

The project of centre for childhood Marie Marvingt featured in the magazine Detail of decembre 2023.

Publication in the magazine Le Moniteur

The project Nantes Paridis featured in the architecture magazine Le Moniteur of september 2023.

Publication in magazine AMC

The cinema cahors featured in the architecture magazine AMC of febrary 2023.

Winner project

We won the competition of RIVP for the housing construction at the site of "ZAC Python-Duvernois" in Paris.

Winner project

Studio won the competition of renovation project for the media library of the city Saint-Mandé.

Association center Rennes : photos of the constrction site

We share with you some photos of the construction site of association center in Rennes.

Centre for childhood development Marie Marvingt : delivered

Centre for childhood development Marie Marvingt is delivered.